$29.00 USD

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You deserve to feel nourished and cared for every day, and the best person to do that for you is you. Explore your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing through thoughtful questions and reflections. Craft a personalized self-care plan, set meaningful goals, and track your progress to achieve lasting positive changes. 

Add the Holistic Self-Care Journal for $5. 

Introvert Emergency Kit

Your secret weapon against awkward silences & anxiety  

Feeling overwhelmed? Struggling with what to say? Press play on the Introvert Emergency Kit. I've got you covered with soothing yet useful meditations on how to:

✔️ Stop worrying you said something dumb.

✔️ Calm your nerves before a presentation.

✔️ Initiate difficult conversations when you're upset with someone.

✔️ Shine in groups, even when you're anxious at first.

✔️ Welcome feedback as a way to grow as a leader.

✔️ Shift anxiety levels from off the charts to manageable.

✔️ End imposter syndrome forever.

✔️ Regain your sanity when a customer drives you nuts.

✔️ Communicate with confidence around authority figures.

✔️ Master the art of small talk – and enjoy it!