$97 USD

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Add the Introvert Emergency Kit – your secret weapon against awkward silences and anxiety

Press play on soothing audio meditations to help you:

✔️ Stop worrying you said something dumb.

✔️ Calm your nerves before a presentation.

✔️ Initiate difficult conversations when you're upset with someone.

✔️ Shine in groups, even when you're anxious at first.

✔️ Welcome feedback as a way to grow.

✔️ Master the art of small talk – and enjoy it!

✔️ And more 🙌

PLUS, a bonus course: Mindfulness 101 for Introverts + journal prompts

$92 For just $9

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Calm the Chaos

Learn how to manage your mind

With a private audio experience that blends ancient and modern wisdom to help you feel more peaceful and alive