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🎉 It's my 10-year anniversary living in England. To celebrate, I'm offering 60 coaching sessions to 60 women in 60 days 🎉

I’ve been living abroad for more than a decade now. First in Italy and then in England. That was my dream.

My mission is to help other women get clarity on what they want in life, whether it’s to live abroad or something else, and to take action on those dreams.

I especially love helping Gen X women get crystal clear on what they want and how to get it so the next part of their life is absolutely epic. 

And by the way, if you’re 40, you have roughly 15,500 days left on this Earth. Estimated. And the ancient Romans would remind you, you might not wake up tomorrow. 

So how do you want to spend the rest of your days?

Imagine a life with…

More zest and adventure
. See yourself sipping cappuccino in a charming Italian piazza, being fully present in the moment. When you’re doing deep work, you are 100% on, but when you’re off, you are 100% relaxing. You do not sweat the small stuff. You can’t remember the last time you had this much energy.

More clarity and focus about work
. When sitting at your desk, you’re totally in the zone. You’re clear about your priorities and know exactly what step to take next. Projects that used to give you anxiety excite you now. You’ve never felt this inspired or creative.

Relationships that feel lighter and more affectionate — more handholding and less arguing over the dishwasher. 

Let’s design a life that sets your soul on fire.